
 People speak of wanting
 Purpose to fill their time
 Frame of mind
 Purpose as written
 Within the lines
 Of a dictionary means
 An act with an intention
 Or determination
 Another word, purposeful,
 means to be meaningful
 To move toward one’s goal
 God, before all time or even
 Before we were created,
 Set for us a goal
 Determined by just himself
 If all truth be told
 A relational God set
 The goal
 For us & Him
 An intimacy so close
 Relationship with Him
 We were meant to be
 His friend
 What more could a man
 For a purpose
 Than to be given 
 The task 
 Of being our great
 God’s friend!
 Yet Created to follow,
 Will take you as you are
 Dare I say, to be a part
 of his entourage,
 Holiness, set apart
 Remembering the precepts of
 His great Heart
 So, follow your Living God
 Even if the whole world
 upon you trods
 Fulfill your purpose
 Of which a Holy book tells
 & follow the path of Christ
 Even if it leads thru hell.

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