

Children in the Old Testament were generally held to be a blessing from God. Childless women groaned over their lack of ability to get pregnant. In our present culture, an unborn child can be seen to be an inconvenience that can be destroyed because someone does not wish to interrupt their lifestyle to raise it.

I saw a huge billboard the other day on the side of the road which stated ‘Abortion isĀ  Healthcare and a Right’. The only thing I can say to that is it is not healthcare. Pregnancy is not a disease to be healed. It is a usually a very normal condition. Today with all the new medical advances we have in this country, there are very few pregnancy problems that doctors cannot overcome for the sake of the health of the mother.

If abortion is a right, what about the right to life of the unborn human inside the uterus. Back in 1951 when I was born if abortion had been as accessible as it is now, more than likely I would have been murdered with the rest of the other slaughtered unborn. I was illegitimate and very unwanted. My biological mother was not married to my biological father. If I had been aborted, I would not be sitting here today typing on this computer, my husband would never have known me and my child would never have been born. Why can we not see that we are killing people not clumps of cells!

As a Christian, I cannot help but believe that our churches and our country will have a price to pay if we do not speak out strongly against the wholesale genocide of the unborn. God does not ignore the weak and oppressed people of this world. Children cannot speak out for themselves so much of the time. As adults we are to be their protectors. Shame on us, especially followers of Jesus of Nazareth, if we do not try to do something to protect the unborn children of this world. Jesus fussed at his apostles for trying to stop the little children from coming to him and said we must come to Him like little children. For such is the kingdom of heaven.

You can always give money to a pro-life organization and can easily donate online. Put pressure on our congressmen and senators. It will be the shame of this country and especially the Christian churches if we do not speak out on behalf of the unborn just as it was the shame of the southern churches for not speaking out against slavery. Shame on Us!

Your Day




Dear Lord Jesus, This is your day. All over the world people will be celebrating that the tomb was empty. It’s your resurrection day! Praise God! Thank you for taking my place on that cross. Thank you for giving up your eternal throne of glory to come down here and save all of us from the most powerful to the least of us. Thank you for wanting all of us.

Bless you Lord for the beauty of your face and the beauty of your great heart. Thank you for your great power and authority. Thank you for wanting to give us a new heaven and new earth. We wait in anticipation for the redemption of our bodies also. Again, Lord Jesus thank you. In your holy name I pray Amen!!christasgod2praisegif2


We as Christians in this rich country of America sometimes have our priorities mixed up. There is nothing wrong with having a few nice things in life and some pleasure, but we should never forget the oppressed, the unloved or the weak of this earth.

I came into life as an orphan having nothing. When I look in the faces of oppressed children, I see myself. If you want to be Christ to this world just go out and love it, especially hurting children. There are so many charities for children. You can even give online!

Again, God never meant for this world to be the way it is. There’s nothing wrong with a little pleasure and fun in your life, but we should not place too much importance on who wins what golf tournament or football game, the size of our house or car.

Want to be Christ to the world? Just go out and love it! Have a blessed day and week. Praise God!!!

All for an Apple??


Often people say they don’t want to believe or don’t believe in God because He allows suffering. All of the suffering came into man’s life because we chose it. God warned us and told us if we ate of the tree or in other words disobeyed His command we would suffer and die. But we chose to listen to the wrong voice and fell hard into a world where we no longer lived in a perfect paradise.

The world is the way it is because we are what we are. And we chose this. We were living in perfection with someone so wonderful and with the most beautifully loving and kind heart, but we spit in His face and said “No, I want to do it my way.” In other words we rebelled and listened to the wrong voice.

God is just allowing us to have what we chose. It was our choice to turn away from His perfection. God allows the bad suffering in the world but does not cause it. That’s a huge difference. He is allowing us to reap the consequences of our poor behavior and our poor choices. If He did not allow suffering, how else would we learn the consequences of our poor choices. Please don’t blame God for our bad behavior.

Also, the question is not why does God allow the suffering, but why do we allow it? Just think of it, except for the physical illnesses and natural disasters, all other pain is caused by how badly we treat each other and refuse to love the way we were created to love. So where is our responsibility in all of this? Man has to accept the responsibility he plays in all of our pain.

May God Bless Your Day.