Sunday Morning Efforts


I don’t know why, but this writing happens to me at the most inconvenient times, usually around 3:30 or 4:30 in the morning, especially to write a poem. This was written early, early this morning. I hope you enjoy your Sunday morning. Praise God!!

Fire Dancer

Power reaches out
Blazing fingers extend
themselves to the figure
Bent, drooping below

On a floor created
Only for this—the dance
A fingertip extends to
Caress its creation

Giving of itself
To the soon to be
Dancer below
Feet now dipped in fire

The figure raises
Back is straightened
Head held high
Movement flows
and its dance begins

Delighted, Power above,
Enthused in Joy,
sees this life now
—caught up in the dance—

Toes burn, ankles turn
To the beat, cadence
Of a music heard, felt
Only above flowing
Through the fingers of fire.

Fire moves from the floor
To burn, entice, enwrap
Legs, now hips, waist bends
In flames, yellow, red
Blue, engulfing upward

To chest, shoulders,
Neck and finally
Head, heart, all burns
Dancing in purest joy
To turn and sweep

Arms raised, head tilted
To see, view, glimpse
Only the One Above
Watching as she twirls
On toes of fire

Living flames of Spirit
May engulf us all
Given half a chance
You too could be
allowed, won’t you join in
live in, breath
within the Dance.



Here’s just a short, almost whimsical poem for the end of your week. Hope you have a good weekend. Praise God!!

Praise in the Rain
Praise in the Light
Praise under the Covers
in the middle
of the Night.

Shout in the darkness
Lift out your voice
You’re free, never forced
to make it your choice.

So Praise, Praise
this Wonder of Wonders,
This God who covers
with His cross
each and every Blunder.

Saturday Vibes


I love to get out of the city into the countryside and into smaller towns(although the town I live in is not too big). My husband and I went to a smaller town and the state park nearby. We never had seen the dam and lake at this particular park. It was a beautiful day. Some of the heat and humidity had finally left.

It’s also amazing what you can find at antique malls in smaller towns from old school desks, children’s wagons to cement angels plus I could not resist some of the lovely old restored homes and peaceful small town churches. We got to eat lunch in a small Mom and Pop city café with the best fruit pie I had ever tasted. I recommend taking a journey to smaller town America if you get a chance. Some of these small towns remind us of the peace and liberty we fight for in this country. Get out and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Praise God!

Celebrate Abba’s Love — Pure Glory

by Apostle Gabriel Cross Energy, oil, and time are wasted, when we degrade, practice witchcraft, and war against each other. However, when we celebrate, walk in Abba’s love, and unite with each other against the kingdom of darkness. We enforce the Victory of Christ over our enemies. © Crown of Glory International Ministries. Unauthorized use […]

via Celebrate Abba’s Love — Pure Glory

Not about Me(Purchase)


There is only one entity that can lift you up out of the slime pits of hell, and that is the Holy Spirit. When Satan literally is trying to destroy you—-and remember he doesn’t want to just give you a little boo boo, he wants to rip you to shreds——only the Holy Spirit of the Living God and Christ has the power to destroy Satan’s influence and effects in your life. Saturate yourself in Him. I had a horribly abusive start in life and was put into a home where I unfortunately never quite felt really wanted or loved. If it had not been for the presence of the living Christ in my life, I might have done myself in.

Watchman Nee says to kill off your old self, crucify yourself every morning in order to allow Christ to completely and totally live in you. Apostle Paul says It is not I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me. When you go under the waters of baptism, it like being buried, and you don’t bury something unless it is dead. We are to be new creations, totally new. The old man of sin and death was destroyed on Christ’s cross.  We will never do this perfectly this side of heaven. It is something we do have to struggle with.

I pray you can draw closer to the Living God. He does love you deeply, profoundly and passionately enough to send His only child to be tortured to death on a cruel, Roman cross. You are very, very precious to Him. Draw close to God, and He will draw close to you. Pray over everything with praise and thanksgiving.

Here is a poem on His presence. May the God of all hope bless your day. Praise God!!


It was a purchase divine
In blood and of flesh
Freed from bone,
Ripped and torn.

Separated from life
But still supreme
Before a world lusting
After its death.

Who could know this
small death, one body
Thrown underground
Ripped open for eternity
An infinity of graves!



Materialism has its up and downs. It’s not always as great as it’s cracked up to be. It can be corrupting for more than one thing(earth, human body and soul).


Plastic, metal, glass
Concrete poured
On a valuable earth
Struggling to survive.

Fast cars, faster planes,
Light-speed computers,
Up to our necks.

Or maybe
Up to our hearts,
Lusting, lusting
More, more, more

We’re told we need
Stuff, stuff, stuff
To survive.

Garbage piles heaped,
All our stuff
Discarded, thrown away,
Destroyed forever
So we can have
More Stuff.

Physical we are for
But more spirit
For the later

Stuff, stuff, stuff
Helps not with
The later of a
Different place

Another world which
Does not care
Endlessly about all our