
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro on
Photo by Leonid Danilov on

floats in the air
spewed forth from
violent mouths

Swirls around my
Attempts to invade
my dreams
as I lay on my bed!

Media mouths belch
forth refuse
it is a form of abuse
to grab our attention
to hold our senses
in detention
Done simply for a paycheck
their money!

Leaders stand
before your eyes
and outright lie
Be careful what you
allow into your mind
Do not let filth
or garbage
waste your precious time!

There is a holy truth
spoken by a Living
Righteous God
to us He is most willing
to give His true Life
So be most careful
at all times
What you feed into
your minds!


KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera

I turn & look 
Power floats
Moves in the air
Shall I believe
Do I dare?

Around, at my sides
Are you, have you 
Truly imbibed
His Glory, Power
You seem like
A fortress, tower
Of His perfection

You have been sent
His messenger
This I know
For it has been shown
In all you do
For you truly chose
To show obedience
In all your ways

So there you are
His angels,
His Messengers, 
To show once again
His overwhelming love
Protection, power
That He chooses to shower
Over all the earth!


Read FREE the first two chapters of my novel, WHEN HEAVEN SIGHS on this site at Book Available at Amazon in paperback or ebook Watch my you tube channel at

Nature Photos – New Filters

Negative Filter
Dreamy Filter
Negative Filter
Same Image Italian Filter
Sketch Filter
Dreamy Filter
Italian Filter
Same Image Punk Filter
Same Image Normal

Got to play around with some filters on my camera I didn’t even know I had. I stumbled on them accidentally. So I took some extra shots on different filters of the landscapes around our greenway system. Hope you enjoy your weekend and may God bless your day!

Read first two chapters of my debut novel WHEN HEAVEN SIGHS on this site at Book. It’s available for sale on Amazon at in paperback and ebook.

Encounter with the Light!

This a repeat of a blog I have posted before on my site, but this experience was so dramatic I feel I should share it once again. I know I will never forget it.

For years now, I guess about 7 or 8, I have been wanting to talk about, tell, something that happened to me one night. I have only told family members about it since I’m not very good at standing up and talking in front of people or telling things to people. I guess I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me.

I have sleep apnea. I don’t know if you know what that is, but that’s where when you lay down on your back to sleep the muscles that hold up your soft palette at the back of your throat relax so much that the palette itself collapses downward and completely closes your airway. In other words, you stop breathing. It is dangerous and can kill you. I do not think I could sleep with one of the breathing machines they use so I sleep with the head of my bed raised and try to stay on my sides.

However, one night I went to sleep and somehow must have gotten off my side and into a position that was not safe. I woke up suddenly, fully awake and conscious, and was in a different place.

I remember feeling a slight tinge of fear but was mostly confused, thinking where am I?? All around me was nothing but deep blackness until suddenly I could see this spiral of beautiful, puffy white clouds spiraling off into the distance. I did not want to look at the far distant end of the spiral because I had this sudden knowledge that if I looked at it, there would be no going back. Somehow I just knew that. Don’t know how, but I just did, but I was not given a choice. I had to look at the end of the spiral, and so I did.

Next, let me say that I had no physical sensation at all. I was fully conscious, but there were no physical sensations. I had no awareness of a body.

To get back to where I was, as soon as I looked at the end of the spiral of clouds, I was in the other place, but this one was different. This beautiful, beautiful light was everywhere. It glistened and shone like nothing I have ever seen. But the light was alive. There was an intelligence or presence inside the light. Like nothing I have ever experienced.

It was so bright it almost hurt to look at it and the colors of the rainbow were moving through it constantly. It was so bright that I turned to look away, but again, I was not given a choice. I had to look at the light so I did.

When I turned to look at it again, suddenly it felt like somebody had taken me and thrown me as hard as they could up against a brick wall. There was this really hard boom, and I was back inside my body. Totally awake but back inside of my body going “What just happened to me?”

I laid there for a few minutes, thinking about what I had just seen and experienced. I moved around a little trying to get my bearings back and then decided the only thing it could have been was for a few minutes or less, because it happened so quickly, so very quickly, is I think I died! It is the only explanation I can think of.

I believe for a very few brief seconds, I was allowed to see some of the glory of the Living God. The light was beautiful beyond words. I wish everyone could have seen it. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

The only reason I wanted to tell this is I hope it will reassure everyone that there really is life after death, and that God is more beautiful than any of my weak human words could ever express.

I pray that the living God Himself will bless your day and your whole life and that you can get to know Him better. He really does love you profoundly, passionately and completely. God Bless You.

Shouts Of Joy To The Lord! — Pure Glory

by Hazel Straub All creation responds to the voice of the Lord. The trees clap their hands, the stars sing, and the mountains and hills have shouts of joy. Those redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, have even more reason for shouts of joy, in exaltation to the Lord, from a heart of obedience! […]

Shouts Of Joy To The Lord! — Pure Glory

Heaven –not a Location

Heaven – Not a Location
(A Someone)

Written in holy lines
Inside an ancient guide
Are words that tell,
Almost sigh
Of another place

For all who follow Christ
We are most assuredly promised
Of this certain reward

For after death
All will exist on a different
To our carnal senses, I know,
It seems most
But it is genuine

However, consider
If not for the presence of
Our Creator/Lord
Heaven would be just
Another place of pain, struggle
Not as is written, 
Our great Reward

To me, heaven is not
A location
Is the kingdom of heaven
The pearl of great value
So when Christ said
The kingdom of heaven is
At hand or
In your midst
He meant: ‘Here I AM
Heaven walking among you’!!


Read for FREE the first two chapters of my novel WHEN HEAVEN SIGHS on this site at Book Available on Amazon