The Testimony

This a repeat of an earlier post. I realize people are sometimes uncomfortable sharing supernatural or spiritual experiences they have had, but I only tell this because I want people to know how real God is and how much He does loves you.

I have sleep apnea. I don’t know if you know what that is, but that’s where when you lay down on your back to sleep the muscles that hold up your soft palette at the back of your throat relax so much that the palette itself collapses downward and blocks your airway. In other words, you stop breathing. It is dangerous and can kill you.

However, one night before I realized how dangerous sleep apnea can be, I went to sleep one night and somehow must have gotten off my side and into a position that was not safe. I woke up suddenly and was in a different place.

I remember feeling a slight tinge of fear but was mostly confused, thinking where am I?? All around me was nothing but deep blackness until suddenly I could see this spiral of beautiful, puffy white clouds spiraling off into the distance. I did not want to look at the far distant end of the spiral because I had this sudden knowledge that if I looked at it, there would be no going back. Somehow I just knew that. Don’t know how, but I just did, but I was not given a choice. I had to look at the end of the spiral, and so I did.

Next, let me say that I had no physical sensation at all. I was fully awake, fully conscious, but there were no physical sensations. I had no awareness of a body.

To get back to where I was, as soon as I looked at the end of the spiral of clouds, I was in the other place, but this one was different. This beautiful, beautiful light was everywhere. It glistened and shone like nothing I have ever seen. But the light was alive. There was a massive intelligence or presence inside the light. Like nothing I have ever experienced.

It was so bright it almost hurt to look at it and the colors of the rainbow were moving through it constantly. It was so bright that I turned to look away, but again, I was not given a choice. I had to look at the light so I did.

When I turned to look at it again, suddenly it felt like somebody had taken me and thrown me as hard as they could up against a brick wall. There was this really hard boom, and I was back inside my body. Totally awake but back inside of my body going “What just happened to me.”

I laid there for a few minutes, thinking about what I had just seen and experienced. I moved around a little trying to get my bearings back and then decided the only thing it could have been was for a few minutes or less, because it happened so quickly, so very quickly, is I think I died! It is the only explanation I can think of.

I believe for a very few brief seconds, I was allowed to see some of the glory of the Living God. The light was beautiful beyond words. I wish everyone could have seen it. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

The only reason I wanted to tell this is I hope it will reassure everyone that there really is life after death, and that God is more beautiful than any of my weak human words could ever express.

I pray that the living God Himself will bless your day and your whole life and that you can get to know Him better. He really does love you very, very much. God Bless You.

The Reversal

The Reversal

Choosing evil over God's perfect goodness
Desiring darkness instead of His light
Was that not worthy of punishment?
So we exist, this life, now today in
Our opportunity for The Reversal

Reversing our open rebellion
Long ago fed by our lack of gratitude
To return to God
And He will return to us!!!!

He stands with arm outstretched
Palm open upward
Hoping to fill its emptiness once again
(Like any good parent)
With the warmth of His child's small hand
Through our choice to reverse our life
Back into the safety of His firm, powerful grip!

A Testimony

This a repeat of an earlier post. I realize people are sometimes uncomfortable sharing supernatural or spiritual experiences they have had, but I only tell this because I want people to know how real God is and how much He does loves you.

I have sleep apnea. I don’t know if you know what that is, but that’s where when you lay down on your back to sleep the muscles that hold up your soft palette at the back of your throat relax so much that the palette itself collapses downward and blocks your airway. In other words, you stop breathing. It is dangerous and can kill you.

However, one night before I realized how dangerous sleep apnea can be, I went to sleep one night and somehow must have gotten off my side and into a position that was not safe. I woke up suddenly and was in a different place.

I remember feeling a slight tinge of fear but was mostly confused, thinking where am I?? All around me was nothing but deep blackness until suddenly I could see this spiral of beautiful, puffy white clouds spiraling off into the distance. I did not want to look at the far distant end of the spiral because I had this sudden knowledge that if I looked at it, there would be no going back. Somehow I just knew that. Don’t know how, but I just did, but I was not given a choice. I had to look at the end of the spiral, and so I did.

Next, let me say that I had no physical sensation at all. I was fully awake, fully conscious, but there were no physical sensations. I had no awareness of a body.

To get back to where I was, as soon as I looked at the end of the spiral of clouds, I was in the other place, but this one was different. This beautiful, beautiful light was everywhere. It glistened and shone like nothing I have ever seen. But the light was alive. There was a massive intelligence or presence inside the light. Like nothing I have ever experienced.

It was so bright it almost hurt to look at it and the colors of the rainbow were moving through it constantly. It was so bright that I turned to look away, but again, I was not given a choice. I had to look at the light so I did.

When I turned to look at it again, suddenly it felt like somebody had taken me and thrown me as hard as they could up against a brick wall. There was this really hard boom, and I was back inside my body. Totally awake but back inside of my body going “What just happened to me.”

I laid there for a few minutes, thinking about what I had just seen and experienced. I moved around a little trying to get my bearings back and then decided the only thing it could have been was for a few minutes or less, because it happened so quickly, so very quickly, is I think I died! It is the only explanation I can think of.

I believe for a very few brief seconds, I was allowed to see some of the glory of the Living God. The light was beautiful beyond words. I wish everyone could have seen it. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

The only reason I wanted to tell this is I hope it will reassure everyone that there really is life after death, and that God is more beautiful than any of my weak human words could ever express.

I pray that the living God Himself will bless your day and your whole life and that you can get to know Him better. He really does love you very, very much. God Bless You.

New Experience!

New Experience!

Receive a new body
You say
Be pulled out of
This shell of clay?
Never commit another sin
Your perfection's glory
Eternally to win?

Oh, how I desire to live in
Such strengthened faith
Allowed each day the details to trace
Of God's smiling, most wonderful face
Oh the joy to live among the angels wings
Hearing crystal clear forever
Their praises to you loudly ring
Their ecstasy be allowed to capture
Standing amidst their increasing rapture
Loudly I sigh and deeply long
To live within the beauty of
Your Paradise’s glorious songs!

The Reach

Photo by Joao Ricardo Januzzi on

The Reach

You had to reach down
So very, very low
At times life to us can deliver
Such exceedingly cruel blows
But the joy at seeing your face
Come to save(as always)
I reach up for
Your hands full of
Your overflowing grace!

So hold your breath
Get ready
Christ remains always steady
Dependable, ALMIGHTY
Wait and you will see
Your Refuge, our Rock
Our Creator LORD
He will enable all believers
In Him once again to soar
Above this world's chaos
Pain, suffering and loss
Even though it may come
For you at a great cost

But you can rely upon HIM
To eternally win
Our Immortal souls,
Us in His forever love to keep
As in His Paradise
We will all
Dance joyfully
In the Light-filled Glory
At His Feet!!

Praise You
Lord Jesus
Praise You!!!


Photo by Pixabay on

Irresistibly drawn
To this light
Stronger and stronger
To this urge I fear
I no longer
Feel a stranger

Increasing almost
Every day
Sometimes in
More than one way
Like a moth to the flame
Hearing You speak my name
I beat my frail wings
Against the thin veil
Of this flesh
Separating for now
You and I
Ah at times can
Life be quite the test!

Yet today I can just be still
At the command of my God's will
And enter into His desired rest
Which at times I must confess
For me is hardly ever easy
So for now
I will warm my wings
As I listen heaven still sings
Of the warmth, glory in the light
Cascading from Your
Wondrous love & might!