Into The Out

Into the Out

Why do we try
To hold within
What was meant 
to be so out

Buildings were never 
Meant to contain
Words powerful
Enough to sustain
An entire planet

Do we really believe
A church's walls
Are the only place 
A person's soul 
Can feel the call
Of Christ

It can happen 
on the streets
It can happen
Where we eat
Even as we sleep

So, God's church
Get out do That work 
Heaven's great loss
Brought about on a cross
For us also to sacrifice
Others to save
Bring to them a better way
For our whole planet
See a completely new day!!

The Citadel

Our Citadel

There is a rumbling of the ground
A most horrific sound
Screams our name
We hide
Inside our Citadel
Safe, secure
Or so we think
But in one blink
As Jericho’s walls,
You realize they fell
So too may ours
With only one more yell

This Citadel, this church
Could be destroyed
Do we really want 
A world so devoid
Of a loving God
Should we not that
At all costs try to avoid?

We have to get out
To testify
Christ’s name 
To glorify
To save others 
From a yawning pit of hell
That Awaits
For Those if they refuse 
Who seal their own fate

So take heart,
Have courage
Refuse the demons
Biting at our heels
Rise up, church
Once more assert
The beauty of God’s will
As once again His kingdom
Of love on this planet 
To all who will testify
Grants from sin their freedom!



God is everywhere
Even when you breathe
He's filling that air
Not just in any one location
He's in the place you are
If you wish for a quickening
Then inside of yourself there
Must be a great awakening

We must show up first
If we truly desire to see
The Living Spirit's outburst
Wherein we daily live
Completely back to God 
Ourselves must we give

Put God first above everything
Let us put aside distractions
Large houses, faster cars, money 
Entertainment, useless possessions
Lusts from a world so broken
Of your soul do not give 
Your only Creator
Just a few small, paltry tokens

If we give Him our very best
Then God for us will do the rest
So this will be our greatest test
As first we must
Return to Him
Then He will return to us 
To heal our sins’ ugly scars
No matter where you are!!

Brightest Light


Brightest light in 
The middle of my darkest night
Seated on a throne
Whose Spirit always roams
To seek & save the lost

Infinity's power fills
Your every hour
For joy making my heart sing
As angels voices ring
To secure your name

Embed that name
Deep, deep into your heart
For it does impart 
great power in all situations 
It is to be received, reported
Out To all the nations
For their sin's abating
For their re-creating

As all of heaven's mighty armies
Stand waiting for His signal
For His powerful return to earth
To remove forever that most evil stigma 
(satan’s darkness)
From all of His creation
Throughout all man's generations!!



Wearing only human flesh
Inside heavens gates 
I am your guest 
Invited in only thru
The Purest blood
With it You wish only
Each heart to flood

But everyone must
Decide for themselves
If to obey the beckoning call
To reverse our original, horrific fall

To stand outside those shining gates
Left Alone 
In the dark
With a howling beast
Watching those inside
Join in Your royal feast
Ah. . . . Your light's grace, mercy & love!!



To be shaken
Out of a reverie
So to forever be
God can do this
Whenever He
We just have to
Let Him use us

We, His family,
His church,
Have to be willing
To be stirred
To actually see, taste,
Experience Christ's cure
For our lost brokenness
He's forever capable of it
Just be reassured!

So let's take that fresh start
Give Him all of our hearts
So He can re-create, 
Once again Himself impart
To a church, His lost world 
That needs a'stirring!!