

You are supposed
To live in your spirit
For that is what you are
With faces pointed
Toward the stars
Your old wounds
Those unholy scars
Were meant to make you

He wants to fill
Your inner you
With His inner self
Allow His Spirit
Within your heart
To be felt
To be filled, taken over,
He will not deny you
Any of His greatest wealth

For we are all spirits
At this level only
Temporarily being
Do not be always looking
But never seeing
SEE God's face
His hands, His heart
Upon your life
Make the effort
In your spirit
To play your part!

The Reversal

The Reversal

Choosing evil over God's perfect goodness
Desiring darkness instead of His light
Was that not worthy of punishment?
So we exist, this life, now today in
Our opportunity for The Reversal

Reversing our open rebellion
Long ago fed by our lack of gratitude
To return to God
And He will return to us!!!!

He stands with arm outstretched
Palm open upward
Hoping to fill its emptiness once again
(Like any good parent)
With the warmth of His child's small hand
Through our choice to reverse our life
Back into the safety of His firm, powerful grip!

New Experience!

New Experience!

Receive a new body
You say
Be pulled out of
This shell of clay?
Never commit another sin
Your perfection's glory
Eternally to win?

Oh, how I desire to live in
Such strengthened faith
Allowed each day the details to trace
Of God's smiling, most wonderful face
Oh the joy to live among the angels wings
Hearing crystal clear forever
Their praises to you loudly ring
Their ecstasy be allowed to capture
Standing amidst their increasing rapture
Loudly I sigh and deeply long
To live within the beauty of
Your Paradise’s glorious songs!

The Reach

Photo by Joao Ricardo Januzzi on Pexels.com

The Reach

You had to reach down
So very, very low
At times life to us can deliver
Such exceedingly cruel blows
But the joy at seeing your face
Come to save(as always)
I reach up for
Your hands full of
Your overflowing grace!

So hold your breath
Get ready
Christ remains always steady
Dependable, ALMIGHTY
Wait and you will see
Your Refuge, our Rock
Our Creator LORD
He will enable all believers
In Him once again to soar
Above this world's chaos
Pain, suffering and loss
Even though it may come
For you at a great cost

But you can rely upon HIM
To eternally win
Our Immortal souls,
Us in His forever love to keep
As in His Paradise
We will all
Dance joyfully
In the Light-filled Glory
At His Feet!!

Praise You
Lord Jesus
Praise You!!!



Hope you enjoy the video. It can also be found on my youtube channel at https://youtu.be/u8ig-lXs9yw


Demon's danced in glee
At the feet of the man
Dying upon a bitter tree
Storm clouds gathered
Sun darkened
Ground was shaken
Rocks split, tombs opened
Dead bodies walked, renewed
Hoping to gain even a brief view
As Christ breathed His last
Or did He?

Because . . .
A few days later
Dear friends walked upon
A garden's sod
To perfume a dead man's body
Instead . . .
Were given a glimpse
Of their risen God
By His gentle voice
Once more were they met
As from a now empty tomb
He had just stepped

They rejoiced, rejoiced
Again were allowed
To hear their dear Savior's voice
Such joy in heaven
Could not be contained
For at even the slightest mention
Of His Holy Royal Name
All of His powerful angels shout

Does Not Matter

Does Not Matter

I will not listen
I do not care
So go ahead
Spit your ugly words
Out into this darkened air

I have a Holy Savior
Jesus Christ is His Name
You no longer
Have the power
To cause Him any pain

He now sits enthroned
Above this swirling globe
For you see
All my sin
With His royal blood
He most joyfully atoned

Today it does not matter
How much evil you
Spew forth
For as my tiny life
Winds down
Runs out its only course

I choose Christ
On Him I set my sights
He is the greatest
Lover of my small soul
Even though
You may seek
Upon me to take
A deadly toll
Against HIM
You always lose!!