To Mars?

Photo by A Koolshooter on
To Mars?

Our bodies were not made
To live on Mars
Are there not problems enough 
To solve on this planet
Revolving as it does amidst
The burning stars?

Curiosity and learning is one thing
What about curiosity for eternity, God, Christ,
the destiny that awaits in His Paradise

Drawing nearer to our Creator
This God who leaned so close
Took on our form, our flesh
To withstand our cruelty’s test
Of dying on a bloodied cross

So would not our time be better spent
If to our time and energies we lent
The pursuit, reaching for the reality
of the Universe’s space
And went instead in search
of our Lord Creator’s face?

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands

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